The Larsens 2007

The Larsens 2007

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year! Adam and I had a great Christmas. Over the holidays Adam and I had to decide what job we wanted to take. After much prayer and worrying we finally made a choice. We will be working for General Mills in Minneapolis Minnesota. We both feel really good about the decision. There were several other offers and we feel so blessed to have choices. I am both excited and stressed about moving. Adam has one more semester and then we are on our way to MN. I may even go back to school when we get there, we have found a RN program that looks so cool. I hope the year 2010 brings us as much happiness as 2009 did.

The first week in December the Larsen family went down to Cancun Mexico! We had a great time. We went to the beach ( I forget how disgusting the ocean tastes! Yuck). One day to Tulum and One to Chicinitza. I loved the ruins, they were so interesting. We also got to go into some senotes (caves). They had fresh water in the bottom that the Mayans uses for drinking. O and of course shopping! Sadly we didn't buy the sexy sombreros. We all got a little sick :( but we made the most of it went we felt good. I definitely got my fill of Vit D from the sun and it was great!

Happy Thanksgiving/ Anniversary! Adam and I were Married 2 years ago on the first of December. O how I love my Addypoo. :) Adam and I went to the hot springs in Preston Idaho, ghetto I know. But we made the best of a tight budget. It was so nice to think about how much fun that we have had in 2 years. I am so thankful for him and all of my many blessings!

There comes a time in every woman's life when it is time for a change. I haven't had my hair this short sense I was in 5th grade. I know its not that short, but to me it seemed like a lot. I love it now....... but the day after I kinda had a little freak out.