Happy graduation Adam! I felt like crying with I saw him walk
across that stage. He has worked so hard for this and I am so
proud of him. I can't believe it has been 2 years.Time is flying by so fast! In about a week we will be heading to Minnesota to find a place to live ( wish me luck) .

And in about 2 weeks we will be moving.....( thank goodness GM is moving us). o and did I mention that we are in the process of selling our house. I sold my car (haven't found another yet). We just got new phones because our old contract had
expired ( the Sprint Hero is amazing and I
don't know how I ever lived with out it.... Ill never be board again!!!). Adams start date is June first and we have a tun to do in the next little while. I cant stop thinking about how blessed we are and I am so
grateful for every little
moment. We had a great BBQ with the family today and it was so nice to have all the little kids running every where. I am going to miss everyone so much and I hope that we can keep in touch.